If you are familiar with my work or are already knowledgeable in purchasing whips, you can click one of the above links to take a look at my in-stock or made-to-order whips.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with my body of work, I offer many different styles of both kangaroo leather and nylon whips, all designed to perform to the highest standard and drive your growth and enjoyment as a whipcracker. Check the In-Stock page to see what’s ready to ship, or go to the All Models page to buy a made-to-order, minimally customized whip. You can also go to the Lessons and Coaching page for information on the classes I offer in both whip cracking and whip making.

If this is your first time buying a whip, great! I think you’ll be happy with anything you purchase here. I would recommend doing some research online before buying your first whip, because although almost any whip can be used for almost anything, different lengths and types tend to be best suited to specific tricks or whipcracking styles. Bull whips are good general purpose whips, while stock whips and hybrids are best for two-handed combos. I’d also recommend starting with a 5-6 foot whip; nylon tends to be a good option because of its lower cost. If you have any other questions, some great resources for information are the Whip Cracking Enthusiasts facebook group, reddit.com/r/whips, or of course the FAQ page here at SwordGuyBuilds.com or the SwordGuy Builds youtube channel.